Have you ever had an experience that seemed to indicate or intimate that a non-material, spiritual dimension of reality exists?  Have you ever had what traditionally has been called a “mystical experience” that you thought or felt was a personal contact with the sacred or God, what the great 13th century Catholic theologian, Thomas Aquinas, defined as “the knowledge of God through experience”? Have you had a near-death experience? Or what you interpret as a glimpse into a fuller, deeper aspect of existence itself?

This book of poetry, Intimations, is the 3rd volume in my series, “Christian Poetry of the Sacred.” The first volume was A Beautiful Absurdity (2022) followed by The Greatest Longing (2023). Intimations focuses upon the idea that the presence and actions of God are more discernible, more available, than may often be thought, that the divine or sacred is not a realm that is experienced only in the Afterlife or just by spiritual devotees, but that God’s reality is not as obscure or hidden as imagined. In both the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of existence and experience, there are intimations or only thinly veiled encounters with the sacred or that which is holy (especially what Christians believe to be God).

Poetry and its appreciation of language is a magnificent means for expressing and creating greater awareness of the sacred in the totality of human experience. As a foundational human art, poetry defines humanity as Homo Poetica, humans the makers of poetry. When a culture loses its poetic sense, it loses a large part of its collective soul. Both individuals and whole religions speak of the divine through poetry. If we become overly prosaic, we can separate ourselves from our own souls and from the intimations of the sacred that is all around and in us.

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Anyone who seeks truth seeks God, whether or not he realizes it.
— St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)